Boot & Dart’s product groups include an extensive range of large and small trees, shrubs, conifers, roses, perennials and more! With our wide range, we can always offer the best solutions for the specific needs and requirements of your green project. During a visit to our nursery, we will be happy to show you around and work with you to determine your needs.

Want to view our range in advance? Please browse our versatile product range.

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Order online via the Boot & Dart portal

We developed our Boot & Dart portal with our corporate customers in mind. Once logged on, you can view Boot & Dartā€™s product range and can easily place your order. You’ll also have access to an overview of your orders and deliveries. This way, you have everything you need right there.

If you donā€™t have an account, please email us.


The plants in this product group are grown both field grown in the ground (bare root or root ball) and in conatiners. We also offer some organically grown shrubs. Our shrubs are ideal for use in mass planting beds, as ground cover and underplanting.

Did you know that a significant proportion of the shrubs at Boot & Dart Nurseries are grown in biodegradable pots One of the few nurseries in the Netherlands to do so.

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View our ‘Top Roses‘ booklet

The ā€˜Queen of Flowersā€™ is also a very popular plant in amenity planting , partly because of its colourful flowers and long-lasting blooms. Boot & Dart only grows roses on their own roots, meaning there is no need to prune off suckers from the rootstock. Our modern shrub roses excel in terms of their health and abundance and have high road salt tolerance. Boot & Dart roses attract many bees, butterflies, and other insects, thereby helping to promote biodiversity. Our roses are field grown at our own nursery in Boskoop, where the unique peat-rich soil guarantees superior quality of the plants . We also grow Roses in containers in Zundert. Several of our rose varieties have been awarded the prestigious Excellence Roses label, which makes us rather proud. The Excellence Roses label guarantees healthy, floriferous roses for public spaces.

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Perennials are increasingly popular for use in public planting , and for good reason. Perennials provide colour, variety and biodiversity. Moreover, our perennials are low maintenance. With its Fleur RobusteĀ© package, Boot & Dart offers a series of strong and floriferous perennials that are highly suitable for use in urban greenery. We also supply organically grown perennials. Please browse the new cultivars that our R&D department has developed.

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Specimen shrubs and conifers

The plants in this product group are grown both field grown in the ground (bare root or root ball) and in conatiners. We also offer some organically grown shrubs. Our shrubs are ideal for use in mass planting beds, as ground cover and underplanting Did you know that a significant proportion of the shrubs at Boot & Dart Nurseries are grown in biodegradable pots One of the few nurseries in the Netherlands to do so

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Avenue and street trees

Boot & Dart offer a large assortment of avenue and street trees: from the very smallest sizes to avenue trees replanted at least four times to achieve large dimensions up to 30-35 cm girth, grown according to the German BDB quality guidelines. Our trees are available from the open ground, bare root or with aa wire root ball. You can also opt for SKAL organically grown trees.

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Forest and hedging transplants

Our forest and hedging transplants are ideally suited for large-scale application in public and landscape planting . The plants are most often grown from seed or hardwood cuttings and then cultivated in the open ground. Our forest and hedge plants are cultivated at our nurseries spanning over 130 hectares at our Zundert nursery. The humus-rich, sandy soil in this region ensures optimal quality.

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Climbers and espalier plants and fruit

Climbers and espalier plants and fruit are less commonly used in urban green spaces, but they have a lot to offer. Boot & Dart carries a wide range for many applications. i climbing plants can be used for sound barriers and green facades.

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Boot & Dartā€™s Research & Development department are trueinnovaters in ornamental Horticulture. We are one of the very few companies that specifically breed for public and amenity planting . Through hybridisation and selection, new cultivars are developed that are not only stronger and healthier than their predecessors, but maintain their ornamental value for longer and require less maintenance.

Low maintenance is an important criterion in selecting new cultivars for public green spaces. Our approach is as follows:

Our new introductions are strong plants that are future proof, enhance biodiversity and thus contribute even more to a greener and sustainable environment.

Please take a look at the cultivars we have introduced and our investments in the future of greenery.

Acer rubrum REDPOINTEĀ®
Aster ageratoides POLARISĀ®
Aster ageratoides POLLUXĀ®
Aster ageratoides SIRIUSĀ®
Berberis TINY ā€˜Nā€™ SPINYĀ®
Clethra alnifolia WHITE SPIREĀ®
Cotoneaster salicifolia WILLEKEĀ®
Elaeagnus ebbingei GREEN GLORYĀ®
Geranium wallichianum JoyĀ®
Hydrangea arborescens WHITE DOMEĀ®
Hydrangea paniculata ā€˜Savill Laceā€™Ā®
Hydrangea paniculata COCKTAILĀ®
Hydrangea paniculata DARTā€™S LITTLE DOTĀ®
Hydrangea paniculata LIME SPARKLEĀ®
Hydrangea paniculata MELANGEĀ®
Hypericum BLACK GEMĀ®
Hypericum GREEN GEMĀ®
Hypericum ORANGE GEMĀ®
Hypericum RED GEMĀ®

The 500 Top Plants for Landscape Planting

In this handy publication, inspiration and information about plants go hand in hand.
The best 500 plants have been selected for durability in application and use, focusing on urban and landscape greenery.
A popular pocket-sized book with just the right highlights.
Order The 500 best plants for functional greenery for ā‚¬23.95 each.

NEW 2024


For all green professionals who care about biodiversity, Boot & Dart has put together the publication "Biodiversity. It provides a complete overview of readily applicable trees, shrubs, roses and perennials that help promote biodiversity. With their nectar, pollen or seeds and fruits, these plants serve as food sources for insects, birds and small mammals and provide them with shelter and nesting sites.

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