The importance of trees and plants

the benefits of green

Trees and plants in the urban environment, help combat heat, drought, waterlogging and poor air quality and enhance biodiversity.

Combatting heat, drought and waterlogging. The power of trees is that they provide natural shade with their foliage, lowering the ambient temperature during hot summer periods and thus reducing the urban heat island effect. Trees and plants also absorb rainwater, decreasing the risk of waterlogging and reducing the chances of flood damage.

Enhancing biodiversity. Trees and plants provide food and offer a habitat, protection and nesting opportunities for insects, birds and small mammals, thereby promoting biodiversity in urban areas .

Benefits in terms of health and social cohesion. Public greenery promotes physical activity, reduces stress, purifies the air, with a corresponding positive effect on peopleā€™s health. Moreover, green public spaces create meeting places, which strengthen social cohesion and contribute to a sense of well-being and connection within the community.

Green cities are attractive, resilient, and resistant to climate change, and provide a healthy, pleasant and sustainable living environment, for all of their residents , humans and animals alike.

Trees and plants from Boot & Dart are used in a wide variety of green projects, including residential areas, public parks, business parks, roundabouts, roads and airports. Discover the versatile applications of our products in projects throughout Europe. View our completed projects and be inspired. If you are working on a specific type of project and do not see it listed in the overview, please feel free to contact us: we are happy to share the knowledge and experience we have gained from similar projects. After all, we are the leading European specialists in landscape planting .

Climate-proof greenery

for a healthy city

Climate-proof green space is crucial in cities due to increasing extreme weather events such as heat waves and heavy rainfall. It strengthens cities’ resilience to climate change by reducing heat islands and preventing flooding. Greenery also contributes to better air quality and biodiversity, and helps restore natural ecosystems in urban areas. In short, climate-proof greenery is not only beautiful for residents, but also essential for sustainable, healthy and resilient cities.

Cool cooling plants

Box planters contribute to cooling the city. All urban greenery cools by evaporation, with the total volume of greenery rather than the plant species determining the effect. Large plant beds are therefore an important part of climate-proof urban green space. Well-sealed planting beds also keep the soil beneath them cool with their shade, reducing drying out and preventing excess heat from radiating out after sunset. Box plants with a fairly light colour or strong shiny leaves reflect the sun’s heat best.

Examples of well-closing bedding plants, which are suitable for large beds in the sun and have reflective foliage:

Names in green are native or contain native species

Latin name Dutch name
Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’ Bonte Zevenblad
Alchemilla mollis Fraaie vrouwenmantel
Aster ageratoides Japanse dwergaster
Buddleja Vlinderstruik
Carex (bontbladig) Zegge
Cornus alba (geelbladig, bontbladig) Witte kornoelje
Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’ Canadese kornoeljes
Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Gelre’ Cotoneaster
Deschampsia cespitosa Ruwe smele
Deutzia gracilis Slanke deutzia
Euonymus fortunei (bontbladig) Klimkardinaalsmuts
Geranium cantabrigiense, endressii, macrorrhizum Ooievaarsbek
Geranium ‘Rozanne’, ‘Tiny Monster’ Ooievaarsbek
Hedera hibernica Ierse klimop
Hippophae rhamnoides ‘Silver Star’ Duindoorn
Hydrangea Hortensia
Hypericum dummeri ‘Peter Dummer’ Hertshooi
Juniperus pfitzeriana Jeneverbes
Kalimeris incisa Zomeraster
Lamium maculatum Gevlekte dovenetel
Ligustrum obtusifolium Liguster
Lonicera japonica Japanse kamperfoelie
Lonicera nitida ‘Maigrin’ Buxuskamperfoelie
Matteuccia struthiopteris Struisvaren
Microbiota decussata Siberische tapijtcipres
Nepeta Kattenkruid
Pachysandra terminalis ‘Green Sheen’ Dikkemanskruid
Pennisetum alopecuroides Breed lampenpoetsergras
Photinia fraser ‘Red Robin’ Glansmispel
Physocarpus capitatus ‘Tilden Park’ Sneeuwbalspirea
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ Sneeuwbalspirea
Phlomis russeliana Brandkruid
Potentilla fruticosa Struikganzerik
Ribes glandulosum Sierbes
Rosa (vakbeplanters) Roos
Rubus ‘Kenneth Ashburner’ Braam
Salix repens Kruipwilg
Spiraea Spirea
Stephanandra incisa Kransspirea
Symphoricarpos chenaultii Sneeuwbes
Symphytum azureum, grandiflorum Smeerwortel
Taxus baccata ‘Summergold’ Taxus
Weigela (groen- en bontbladig) Weigela

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